Where We Work? - Satvik
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Where We Work?

Where We Work?

Initially, Satvik started its operations in Kachchh in all blocks. Over the years, the program has expanded and entered newer geographies and is now active in Kachchh, Patan, Banaskantha, Jamnagar, Devnhumi Dwarka, and Rajkot districts and 20 blocks of the state. The work in Gujarat is in 3 distinct Agro Climatic Zones; North Gujarat Agro Climatic Zone, North Saurashtra Agro Climatic Zone, and Kachchh North West Agro Climatic Zone.

Selection Criteria of Agro Climatic Zone

Sr. Agro Climatic Zone Characteristics Type of Soil Rainfall (mm)
1. North West Zone
  • This is the vast expanse of the Kachchh district.
  • The climate is arid and Less than 13% of the area is cultivated. Nearly one-third of the geographical area is wastelands.
Sandy and Saline 250 – 500
2. North Gujarat
  • This sub-zone covers Banas Kantha, Patan Mehsana, Sabar Kantha, Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad districts. Land productivity is very low.
  • The climate is arid to semi-arid. About 63% of the area is cultivated and a little over a third of this is irrigated. The chief source of irrigation is ground water. However, in some areas, there is overdrawal of ground water.
Sandy loam to Sandy 625 – 875
3. North Saurashtra
  • This sub-zone includes the districts of Amreli, Jamnagar, Devbhumi Dwarka, Rajkot and Surendranagar. The climate is semi-arid. T. About 63% of the area is cultivated, of which 24% is irrigated.
Shallow medium black 400 – 700