About Satvik - Satvik
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About Satvik

About Satvik

Satvik : Promoting Ecological Farming (Satvik) has been promoted by group of motivated organic farmers who came together share their excitement and their practice at the turn of the century later formalized in 2007.

The relatively low and erratic rainfall of arid regions, like Kachchh have challenged the indigenous populations to develop some of the finest crop and animal biodiversities – which have not only reduced risks to adequately feed their human and animals populations, but will in the future, prove to be critical in providing genetic material to face the challenges of climate change. The complex web of loops has been established that feed into one another wherein byproduct becoming primary inputs and the value chain takes place within the ecoregion. This has created efficiencies, economies, and dependencies that promote strong and sustainable communities.

Satvik is reinvesting efforts in scientifically documenting their benefits; promoting their further development; reinstate confidence and dignity amongst its farmer practitioners – towards self-contained societies and economies that are self-dependant for their food security and only export their surplus.


To Promote, conceptualize, encourage, aid, organize, assist, support, facilitate, undertake various aspects of ecological farming techniques including distribution, promotion, marketing and trade of such produce, in its all forms, for strengthening of livelihood of marginal farming community and improvement in the health of the people irrespective of caste, class, gender, race and religion.

Office infrastructure

Satvik has fully furnished office set up at Bhuj having total basic requirements (Computers, Printers, Telecommunication, internet, and other required tools).